Saturday, August 05, 2006

Looking for the coolest clime in H’wood?

As west-siders, we know we are blessed with a cooling breeze and very temperate days. And while our in-town pals have better proximity to hip stores, splendid eateries and other urban delights, they do get the hot hots over there.

There’s an easy way to refresh: head to Barnsdall Art Park on Hollywood Blvd for an evening performance of Shakespeare. And while no jacket is required, you’ll still wanna bring one ‘cuz Hamlet and the gang perform under the stars and among the sweet breezes. You’ll also get spectacular city views, especially at dusk as twinkly lights peep on across the hills. Bring a picnic and settle in for a great evening.

Of course, another option is to take a little stroll north on Vermont and tuck in to Figaro Bistrot (as we did last night … the cooling Kir Caraffe and Parmentier Vegan are highly recommended, mmmmmmmm). If you’ve still got some time to kill there are a plethora of swell shops. Our personal fave is Skylight Books (our wanderlust mingling over tomes made us a bit late for good Will).

Coincidentally, those civic-minded folks at Flexcar are sponsors of this summer’s Shakespeare. They’ve got a promotion running called the Hollywood 100; the first 100 Hollywoodians signing up for a Flexcar membership get a special deal. The promo isn’t on their web site but we got the DL from Margaret, Flexcar’s LA rep.

Yes, we took the bus … the 333 to the 206 works quite nicely!

Link it up and get going!
Independent Shakespeare

Barnsdall Art Park

Art Classes

Flexcar LA Specials!

Skylight Books
Figaro Bistrot

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